
Matsudo (松戸市 - Matsudo-shi) is a city in the northwest corner of Chiba prefecture, Japan, where Chiba prefecture borders Tōkyō and Saitama prefecture. Matsudo borders the cities of Nagareyama to the north, Kashiwa to the east, Kamagaya and Ichikawa to the south and  Tōkyō prefecture's Edogawa ward and Katsushika ward as well as Misato city in Saitama prefecture to the west.

Historically Matsudo is an old post town (松戸宿 - Matsudo-juku) on the Mito Kaidō (水戸街道), one of the major roads northbound out of Edō. Because of its close proximity to the central parts of modern-day Metropolitan Tōkyō, on a local train service it takes just 26 minutes from Matsudo Station to Tōkyō Station, Matsudo has developed since it attained city status in 1943 into a bustling, major bedroom community with almost half a million inhabitants.

Sometimes the names of the former towns and villages that together form the extent of the modern city of Matsudo are used to describe the areas of the city:

  • Matsudo (松戸) area to the southwest, incl. Honchō (本町) and Yagiri (矢切);
  • Akira (明), the central area stretched to the northwest, incl. Nemoto (根本), Kogasaki (古ヶ崎), Kita-Matsudo (北松戸), Kamihongō (上本郷) and Minoridai (稔台);
  • Kogane (小金) area to the northeast, incl. Shin-Matsudo (新松戸);
  • Mabashi (馬橋) area to the northeast;
  • Takagi (高木) area to the east, incl. Tokiwadaira (常盤平), Sendabori (千駄堀), Gokō (五香) and Mutsumi (六実);
  • Yabashira (八柱) area to the southeast, incl. Kamishiki (紙敷) andHigashi-Matsudo (東松戸).


Google Maps

Top 5 Things to do in Matsudo

  1. Enjoy passing yagiri boats or birds flying along the Edogawa riverbank, and in August the Edogawa firework festival
  2. Visit the Tojō House and Tojō Historical Museum
  3. Visit the Matsudo Shrine Shinkō Festival, or in April some of the seven sakura festivals
  4. Visit the seven temples with the seven lucky gods
  5. Eat ramen

What to see

Matsudo Shrine

Japanese: 松戸神社 - Matsudo-jinja

Matsudo Shrine is the largest and most important Shinto shrine in Matsudo city. Founded in 1626 by the second shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, it is dedicated to Yamato Takeru, also known as  Prince Ōsu, son of the legendary Emperor Keikō of Yamato who himself is traditionally counted as the 12th Emperor of Japan.

Major festival:  On October 18 each year (例大祭 - Reitaisai). In the year when October 18 falls on a Sunday, a walk in honour of God’s grace and everyone’s happiness called Shinkō Festival (神幸祭 - Shinkōsai) is held. On this occasion, a portable shrine (宮神輿 - Miya mikoshi) and the four symbols (四神像 - Shijin-zō): Azure Dragon of the East (青龍 - Seiryū), Vermilion Bird of the South (朱雀 - Suzaku), White Tiger of the West (白虎 - Byakko), and Black Tortoise of the North (玄武 - Genbu) is carried through the neighbourhood accompanied by hundreds of people.
Address: 1457 Matsudo, Matsudo city
visited: March 16, 2014

Tojō House

Japanese: 戸定邸 - Tojō-tei

Address: 642 Matsudo, Matsudo city

visited: June 30, 2012


'21st Century Forest and Square' landscape park

Kezō Temple

Japanese: 花蔵院 - Kezō-in

Kezō Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Shingon Buddhism Toyoyama group, located in Matsudo's Iwase area behind Seitoku University to the east of Matsudo Station.

Address: 134 Iwase, Matsudo

Japanese address: 千葉県松戸市岩瀬134
Directions: Exit Matsudo Station to the East, it's a walk of about 850 m.
Phone: +81 (0)47 362 4282

visited: April 17, 2012


Enshō Temple

Japanese: 圓勝寺 - Enshō-ji

Enshō Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Shingon Buddhism Toyoyama group, located in Matsudo's Kogasaki area near the Edogawa.

Address: 175 Kogasaki, Matsudo
Japanese address: 千葉県松戸市古ケ崎175


Directions: about 1.18 km from the station
Phone: +81 (0)47 362 2491

visited: April 28, 2012


Shōryū Temple

Japanese: 松龍寺 - Shōryū-ji

Address: 1505 Matsudo, Matsudo city
visited: March 16, 2014

Hirakata Shrine (Sui Shrine)

Hirakata is the old name of the neighbourhood in close vicinity of the Edogawa river, that this shrine belonged too. Enshrined is the god of water (水波之女命 - Mizuha no me no mikoto).

Japanese: 平潟神社(水神宮・水神社) - Hirakata-jinja (Sui-jingu, Sui-jinja)

Address: 2166 Matsudo, Matsudo city


Nemoto Tenmangu Shrine

Japanese: 根本天満宮 - Nemoto Tenmangu

Address: 7 Nemoto, Matsudo
visited: March 17, 2013

Matsusakiinaka Shrine

Japanese: 松先稲荷神社 - Matsusaki inaka-jinja

Address: 1421 Matsudo, Matsudo city
visited: March 16, 2014

Katori Shrine

Japanese: 香取神社 - Katori-jinja

Address: 961 Sendabori, Matsudo
visited: March 17, 2013

Walk along the former Mito Kaidō


Walk along the Edogawa (Edo river)


Walk along the Saka river


Hiking Shinkeisei 35: Yabashira Station

"Calling forth all fortune for the year, visiting the Seven Lucky Gods of Matsudo part I"

(一年の福を呼ぶ 松戸七福神をめぐるみち Part.Ⅰ - Ichinen no fuku o yobu, Matsudo shichi fukujin o meguru michi pātsu. I)

A hiking course in Matsudo city from Yabashira Station to Matsudo Station on the Shin-Keisei Line operated by Shin-Keisei Electric Railway. The tour and poster is from an organised event held on January 21, 2012 and recognised by the Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA) (日本市民スポーツ連盟 - Nihon shimin supōtsu renmei).


Event: January 21, 2012

Length: approx. 13 km
Duration: approx. 3.5 hours
Worthwhile sights:

1. Yabashira Station 八柱駅 - Yabashira-eki
2. Tokuzō Temple 徳蔵院 - Tokuzō-in
3. En'nō Temple 円能寺 - En'nō-ji
4. Zenshō Temple 善照寺 - Zenshō-ji
5. Hōzō Temple 宝蔵院 - Hōzō-in
6. Matsudo Shrine 松戸神社 - Matsudo-jinja
7. Matsudo Station 松戸駅 - Matsudo-eki

Hiking Shinkeisei 38: Matsudo Station

"Walking along the Shin-Keisei line part I, through autumn leaves from Matsudo to Kunugiyama"

(紅葉の中を、松戸駅からくぬぎ山駅へ 新京成線に沿って歩くみち Part.Ⅰ - Kōyō no naka o, Matsudo-eki kara Kunugiyama-eki e Shinkeisei-sen ni sotte aruku michi pātsu. I)

A hiking course from Matsudo Station in Matsudo city to Kunugiyama Station in Kamagaya city on the Shin-Keisei Line operated by Shin-Keisei Electric Railway. The tour and poster is from an organised event held on December 1, 2012 and recognised by the Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA) (日本市民スポーツ連盟 - Nihon shimin supōtsu renmei).

Event: December 1, 2012

Length: approx. 12 km
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Worthwhile sights:

1. Matsudo Station 松戸駅 - Matsudo-eki
2. Matsudo Station West Park 松戸駅西口公園 - Matsudo-eki Nishiguchi-kōen
3. Yabashira Station 八柱駅 - Yabashira-eki
4. '21st Century Forest and Square' landscape park 21世紀の森と広場 - Nijūichi-seiki no mori to hiroba
5. Tokiwadaira Station 常盤平駅 - Tokiwadaira-eki
6. Tokiwadaira zelkova street, one of 'Japan's new 100 beautiful streets', selected by the Yomiuri newspaper in 1994 常盤平けやき通り(新・日本街路樹百景) - Tokiwadaira keyaki-dōri (Shin Nihon gairoju hyakkei)
7. Iris Park しょうぶ公園 - Shōbu-kōen
8. Gokō Station 五香駅 - Gokō-eki
9. Kunugiyama Park くぬぎ山公園 - Kunugiyama-kōen
10. Kunugiyama Station くぬぎ山駅 - Kunugiyama-eki

Hiking Shinkeisei 39: Tokiwadaira Station

"Calling forth all fortune for the year, visiting the Seven Lucky Gods of Matsudo part II"

(一年の福を呼ぶ 松戸七福神をめぐるみち Part.Ⅱ - Ichinen no fuku o yobu, Matsudo shichi fukujin o meguru michi pātsu. II)

A hiking course in Matsudo city from Tokiwadaira Station to Mabashi Station on the Shin-Keisei Line operated by Shin-Keisei Electric Railway. The tour and poster is from an organised event held on January 19, 2013 and recognised by the Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA) (日本市民スポーツ連盟 - Nihon shimin supōtsu renmei).

Event: January 19, 2013

Length: approx. 16 km
Duration: approx. 4 hours
Worthwhile sights:

1. Tokiwadaira Station 常盤平駅 - Tokiwadaira-eki
2. Sunflower Park ひまわり公園 - Himawari-kōen
3. Koganehara Park 小金原公園 - Koganehara-kōen
4. Kegon Temple 華厳寺 - Kegon-ji
5. Iō Temple 医王寺 - Iō-ji
6. Konzō Temple 金蔵院 - Konzō-in
7. Terada Park 寺田公園 - Terada-kōen
8. Mabashi Station 馬橋駅 - Mabashi-eki

Hiking Shinkeisei 42: Matsudo Station

"Strolling through the cities of Matsudo and Ichikawa while enjoying the colourful leaves, the autumnal taste"

(秋の紅葉・味覚を楽しみながら、松戸と市川をめぐるみち - Aki no momiji mikaku o tanoshimi nagara, Matsudo to Ichikawa o meguru michi)

A hiking course south of Matsudo Station in Matsudo city on the Shin-Keisei Line operated by Shin-Keisei Electric Railway. The tour and poster is from an organised event held on November 30, 2013 and recognised by the Japanese Volkssport Association (JVA) (日本市民スポーツ連盟 - Nihon shimin supōtsu renmei).

Event: November 30, 2013

Length: approx. 14 km
Duration: approx. 4 hours
Worthwhile sights:

1. Matsudo Station 松戸駅 - Matsudo-eki
2. Matsudo Station West Park 松戸駅西口公園 - Matsudo-eki Nishiguchi-kōen
3. Matsudo South Market 松戸南部市場 - Matsudo Nanbu-ichiba
4. Horinouchi Shell Heap Park 堀之内貝塚公園 - Horinouchi Kaidzuka-kōen
5. Junsai pond じゅん菜池 - Junsai-ike
6. Monument to Sachio Ito's novel 'Nogiku no haka' ("The Wild Daisy", 1906), a tragic love story that takes place in the rural countryside of the Yagiri region of the Meiji era. 野菊の墓文学碑 - Nogiku no haka Bungakuhi
7. Passing Yagiri boats 矢切の渡し - Yagiri no watashi
8. Matsudo Station 松戸駅 - Matsudo-eki

Where to eat

Matsudo Taishōken

"Tsuke-men with bonito base broth - my personal favourite"

Japanese: 松戸大勝軒

The speciality of this noodle restaurant is Chūka soba, with an intense broth made from bonito fish (鰹 - katsuo). You can eat the soba noodles served in the broth or order broth and noodles separate (つけめん - tsuke-men). The meat serving is proper and of much better quality than in cheaper chain stores.

Favorite Dish:

  • Chūka soba (中華そば) - noodles in broth - for 630 Yen
  • Yasai mori soba (野菜もりそば) - noodles and broth separate with vegetable enriched broth - for 800 Yen

Opening hours: 11am to 4pm

Address: 1277 Matsudo, Matsudo
Japanese address: 千葉県松戸市松戸1277第2ミヤザワビル1階

Directions: Exit Matsudo Station on West side and walk about 220m.

Phone: +81 (0)47 315 6134

Price Comparison: about average, less than US$10
Rating: 4


Shōchikuen - Yakiniku restaurant

Address: 10-9 Nemoto, Matsudo

Indotei - Indian restaurant

Address: 23-5 Honchō, Matsudo



"Yakitori at its best."

Japanese: ごんべえ

This is an extremely small, extremely local restaurant, that type, where foreign tourists without recommendation are probably just passing by.

Favorite Dish:

Of course Yakitori, especially when served with such a delicious sauce. They also serve some specialities like Daikon mochi (ダイコンもち) - small rice dumplings filled with grated daikon (Japanese white raddish) for 400 Yen.

Address: 57 Nemoto, Matsudo

Japanese address: 千葉県松戸市根本57

Directions: Exit Matsudo Station on west side, walk down the main road about 450 m, right hand after crossing the small stream.

Price Comparison: about average, US$11-20
Phone: +81 (0)47 366 8021
Rating: 4


Backstube Zopf

Address: 2-2-14-3 Koganehara, Matsudo


Matsudo Edogawa Fireworks

I was always fascinated by the fireworks at Tokyo Sumidagawa and Tokyo Bay, but annoyed by either the perceived narrow streets blocking the view or the millions of other spectators. HOWEVER, in 2012 I discovered a firework that can easily challenge the two while offering not only visual highlights but also a splendid arena to enjoy the spectacle in a relaxed atmosphere on the wide and long riverbanks of the Edogawa. We came about two minutes before the show started but could still find a place to sit!! In fact, because of the undisturbed view that the elevated riverbanks offer, we had the pleasure to enjoy FOUR fireworks within two hours, the main event in front of us, a second down the river, a third up the river, and even a fourth in the distance across the river.

Event date: in August each year

Directions: From Matsudo Station west exit right down the main road. After a 10 minutes walk you will reach the Edogawa.


Sakura Matsuri - Cherry blossom viewing festivals

The appreciation of cherry blossoms (桜 - sakura) as a welcoming of spring ceremony is a very well known and very alive Japanese tradition. Festivals around parks and alleys lined with cherry trees are organised every year to celebrate the end of the winter season and the arrival of spring. People go to these areas for having picknick or tacking long strolls while viewing cherry blossoms (花見 - hanami).
On the first or second weekend in April some seven festivals are held each year in the Matsudo city area.

  1. Tokiwadaira Sakura Matsuri (常盤平さくらまつり), south of Tokiwadaira Station on the Shin-Keisei line, with appr. 600 cherry trees along the Sakura-dori street towards Shin-Keisei Goko Station;
  2. Yabashira Sakura Matsuri (八柱桜まつり), south of Yabashira Station on the Shin-Keisei line and Shin-Yabashira Station on the Musashino line along the 500m long Sakura-dori alley;
  3. Yabashira Reien Sakura Matsuri (八柱霊園桜まつり), the Reien park is a large park and cemetary, well used by local residents for all sorts of family activities on weekends; a 20 min walk southwards from Shin-Keisei line Yabashira Station or Musashino line Shin-Yabashira Station;
  4. Mutsumi Sakura Matsuri (六実桜まつり), west of Mutsumi Station on the Tōbu Noda line, in the Rokkodai area along a straight and broad alley with appr. 200 trees;
  5. Hachigasaki Sakura Matsuri (八ヶ崎桜まつり), east of Mabashi Station on the Jōban line near the Hachigasaki Post Office;
  6. Kokubugawa Sakura Matsuri (国分川桜まつり), northwest of Higashi-Matsudo Station on the Musashino line, Keisei Narita Sky Access line and Hokusō line;
  7. Kuriyama Sakura Matsuri (栗山桜まつり), southwest of Yagiri Station on the Hokusō line.

How to travel

By train

JR Jōban Line inbound and outbound stopping at Matsudo Station.

Matsudo is crisscrossed by a number a railway lines, that connect it with neighbouring cities and prefectures in all directions.
  • JR Jōban Line, connects Matsudo with Kashiwa to the east (and further up to Tatsuta Station in Fukushima prefecture) and Kita-Senju Station in Tōkyō to the west, where the line bifurcates, some trains are bound for Ueno Station, where the line officially terminates, though with some through-running trains that continue further beyond Ueno Station as JR Ueno-Tōkyō Line bound for Tōkyō, Shinbashi and Shinagawa Stations, while other trains continue as through-running service trains on the Metro Chiyoda Line;
  • JR Musashino Line, connects Matsudo with Nagareyama to the north (further with Misato city and in a big curve with the west part of Tōkyō) and the cities of Ichikawa and Funabashi to the south;
  • Shin-Keisei Line, terminating at Matsudo station, connects Matsudo with the cities of Kamagaya, Funabashi and Narashino to the east;
  • Hokusō Line, connects Matsudo with Tōkyō prefecture's Katsushika ward to the west and the cities Ichikawa, Kamagaya, Shiroi, Funabashi and Inzai to the east;
  • Keisei Narita Line
  • Tōbu Urban Park Line, also known as Tōbu Noda Line, and 
  • Ryūtetsu Nagareyama Line.


March 13, 2013

Took the Shin-Keisei line from Matsudo Station to Goko Station (6 station).
Wanted to see cherry blossoms along the recommended Sakura-dori street, but it was way too early, no blossoms at all. The area is a kind of new town development of the 50s (?), with traces of the earlier rural settlement on one side of the road and UR (Urban Renaissance - a state agency for suburban development and recently urban redevelopment) four- to five-storey low-rise blocks of flats on the other side. Some so called "parks" line the way, one a baseball field with undulating tree-lined paths around it, another a left-over area between pedestrian walkway and street. Anyway, the course took me to a real park, the 21st Century Forest and Square landscape park with a lake at it's center. Walked all the way back to Matsudo Station and finally home.
Duration: 3.5~4 hours

Note: The page was originally created on May 11, 2013 for It contributed 7 tips and 31 photos to the Matsudo Travel guide, was Top Rated and ranked No.2 of the Top 5 Matsudo Writers. The site was closed down on Feb 27, 2017.